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تم تصميم تلفزيون Property Turkey لتوفر لك نظرة ثاقبة حول كل الأشياء التركية

Straight Talk , Investment , Istanbul

What are the investment types in Turkey?

There are different investment types and profiles that choose to buy real estate in Turkey. In this video, we take a look at who invests and what investment type provides the best results long term.

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Straight Talk , Turkish Lira

TURKISH LIRA depreciates AGAIN! What does this mean?

How do you make money in an economy where the currency is depreciating? In this video, we tackle the depreciation of Turkish Lira against hard currencies such as USD and what investors can do.

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Straight Talk , Investment , Istanbul , Property prices , Rental income

How to calculate your Return on Investment in Turkey?

In this episode, Cameron Deggin and Alaattin Kilic talked about return on investment in Turkey. Cameron makes an explanation on a white board for buyers to calculate their ROI when buying in Turkey.

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Straight Talk

Raising a family in Turkey - Experiences of an Expat

Raising a family in Turkey brings many questions from potential clients of ours on a daily basis. In this new episode, we share insights from living in Australia versus living in Turkey with a family.

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Straight Talk , Istanbul

A shift in the real estate buying trend in Turkey after covid?

At Property Turkey we have been noticing a trend shift with many buyers now seeking more green space, more garden areas, and more privacy at home when they purchase real estate due to Covid.

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شقق تطل على منظر البوسفور

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