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تم تصميم تلفزيون Property Turkey لتوفر لك نظرة ثاقبة حول كل الأشياء التركية

Minute Talks , Property prices

How cheap is property in Turkey?

People often assume that buying a property in Turkey means buying a property at a cheaper cost than European counterparts. How true is this? We have a look at how cheap Turkish property is.

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Aladdin's Turkey

The best HOLLYWOOD movies filmed in ISTANBUL

Did you know that Hollywood has filmed several movies in Istanbul? In this video we take a look at the best films based in Istanbul or filmed in Istanbul to be released as major blockbuster movies.

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Aladdin's Turkey , Istanbul

9 things you should NOT do in Istanbul, Turkey

This light-hearted video takes a look at visiting Istanbul and the nine things that you should NOT do in order to make your trip to Istanbul as relaxed as possible. Subscribe for more video content.

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Straight Talk , Investment , Istanbul

How to pick a great investment in Istanbul

We take a close look at how to make a killing with your investment in the Istanbul real estate market, including how to maximise your potential returns and make money when you come to sell.

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Indonesian-Pakistani buys home online for Turkish Citizenship

In this latest video testimonial, we talk to a couple who purchased a home recently online with us, with the aim of obtaining Turkish Citizenship by Investment. A Property Turkey client testimonial.

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شقق تطل على منظر البوسفور

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