Turkish Airlines (THY) has reported on Thursday that it carried a total of 24 million passengers in the first five months of 2022, surpassing pre-pandemic levels in Turkey. During the five-month period of January to May, the load factor was 73.5%, with 72.5% for international trips and 82.8% for local routes around Turkey.
The airline also announced that it transported a total of 673,000 tonnes of cargo and mail, with 376 aircraft currently on the ground as of May 2022.
The company serviced an impressive 6.3 million passengers and travellers and transported 144,000 tonnes of cargo and mail in May of 2022 alone.
"Total passenger numbers increased from 5.9 million in May 2019 to 6.3 million in the same month of 2022," according to the statement released by the airline.
In response to the announced figures, THY General Manager Bilal Eksi noted that while the global aviation industry had come to a halt during the coronavirus pandemic, Turkish Airlines did not and managed to retain impressive numbers throughout.
"We worked knowing that we'd go back to our success-targeting strategy with a vengeance. These were the days we aimed for. Our May figures reflect that our ambitions and dreams have begun to materialise," Eksi stated to local reporters.
Turkish Airlines, which was originally founded in 1933, currently flies to 339 destinations in 335 locations throughout the world, 284 of which are international routes and 51 of which are domestic routes, in a total of 129 countries.