President Erdogan recently announced that over the past 20 years Turkey have made significant improvements in every area of education, to the point where they are now capable of competing with other nations, in particularly the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries.
The president shared his views on education by writing the introduction of the book prepared by the Ministry of National Education called: 20 Years of Education in Turkey: 2000 – 2019.
Previously, Turkey would struggle to compete with developed nations, in particular the OECD nations like Germany, Italy, France, and Australia in terms of how education was measured. When the AK Party (Justice and Development) came to power in early 2000s, it was faced with two obstacles. First, they needed to restore the social legitimacy of the entire educational system as well as improve all areas of education.
Erdogan stated that since the party had been elected, they have fought vigorously to improve education within the country, and they have normalised the education system within a democratic framework as by fighting the tutelary structures which allowed for the anti-democratic interventions.
Erdogan went on to say that interventionist and prohibitive mental attitudes towards education was to end, and that all issues which had stopped both parents and students from making a free choice were now abolished. With most resources being ploughed into education, mobilisation can take place in every field.
The president said that educational expectations are constantly very high, however the biggest asset that Turkey has is its innovative population of young people. He went on to say that: “Making improvements in education systems is a process that takes time and patience. It makes us very happy to see the results of the big investments we have made so far. Now that Turkey has reached a level that can compete with other developed nations, especially OECD countries. Of course, we want Turkey to develop further, and we have to raise our expectations from education even more.”
President Erdogan concluded that: “In any case, it is very important to examine the improvements made in order to identify the next development areas.”