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Thanks for your help, advice, reassurance, and expertise

2017-06-24 14:49:19

Hi Mert,

I would like to thank you and your company for all your help, advice, reassurance, professionalism, and expertise in helping us make our purchase through you in Turkey.

My self and Neil were overwhelmed with the team in Fethiye; from the general manager, Sue the agent, and the on-going help from the Bank and the Solicitor recommended by your company.

As I had told you, we had previously owned a property in Turkey before but suffered from unfortunate circumstances by trusting in a company who took money from us, didn’t pay bills, issues with land permission, etc. – too much to mention!

As you can imagine, as much as we love Turkey, we felt we would never return again. And then we found yourself and your company. Once again thanking you all sincerely.

As far as we are concerned the sale is complete, just waiting for the seller to arrive to sign his part. Please pass on our compliments to Aykut and Sue in the office – they are absolute gems, so friendly kind and honest.

We enjoyed every minute out and about with Sue showing us the properties and not trying to push anything on us, giving us our own space to decide, and yet very professional at her job… it really meant a lot.  

Without a doubt, Neil and myself will be highly recommending Property Turkey. We are really looking forward to our return to Turkey in August and on going. Eventually we intend to retire there and who knows, we may sell and buy again and return to your company for business.

Warm wishes from us both Bernie & Neil.