Turkish cuisine and lovely food

The six Turkish foods taking the world by storm

The six Turkish foods taking the world by storm

Gone are the days when the only Turkish offering was the - admittedly, extremely tasty - kebab: today the range of mouthwatering Turkish food available in larger centres means you don't have to travel far to find flavoursome dishes from all over Turkey. We look at some of the Turkish foods that are becoming more and more well known as people discover just how delectable Turkish food can be.

8 Years, 8 Months, 2 Weeks, 1 Day, 13 Hours, 16 Minutes ago

Turkish delight's intriguingly sweet history

Turkish delight's intriguingly sweet history

Its origins are sticky but one thing is certain: Turkish delight is one of the world's favourite sweets. No one seems to know for sure whether Turkish delight or lokum was invented 300 years ago or is a much more ancient sweet, but the confection, - rolled in coconut or sugar, filled with nuts, and coloured delicate shades of pink or yellow - is found in every corner of the globe. 

How the Ottomans brought coffee to Europe: Bloody battles, bans and brews

How the Ottomans brought coffee to Europe: Bloody battles, bans and brews

Any trip to Turkey is not a true journey unless you relax with a famous Turkish coffee. This famous brew, steeped in history, is officially the world's favourite stimulating drink. The role of Turkey in coffee's long history is not only a crucial one, but a fascinating story stemming from inventing the brewing method still used today, to introducing the drink to Europe almost accidentally. Go pour yourself a cup, and lets learn some interesting facts you might not have known about the famous Turkish coffee. 

7 Strange Turkish dishes you just have to try

7 Strange Turkish dishes you just have to try

Known around the world as the land of the Kebab, Turkey has a food stereotype that has stretched across continents far and wide. In this blog we look to break some of the stereotypes you might have about food in Turkey and bring you seven of the strangest dishes you will find in this mouth-watering country of flavours and weird combinations of food put together in some of the finest cuisine you will find.

Istanbul for food lovers: the coolest food tours and culinary courses in the city

Istanbul for food lovers: the coolest food tours and culinary courses in the city

Anyone who has been to Turkey will know one thing - Turks know how to cook, and cook well. From authentic Turkish dishes to extravagant modern twists in cuisine, food in Turkey whets the appetite as much as any dish from around the world. In this blog we present our top five Turkish food tours in Istanbul, as well as a range of different places where you can try your hand at learning how to cook in Istanbul and prepare your very own Turkish dishes. Put your chef hat on and prepare to feel very hungry, an empty stomach is not advised when reading this. 

Istanbul For Wine Lovers: A Study On Turkish Wines

Istanbul For Wine Lovers: A Study On Turkish Wines

Not known around the globe for its fine wines, Turkey's vineyards are actually some of the oldest and biggest you will find in the world. Here we take a look at wine in Turkey and include some of our favourite hotspots and bars to grab a glass of some of the finest Turkish wine. With more than 140 registered producers in the entire country, we hope that you are thirsty - you surely will be after reading this blog. If you ever happen to find yourself sipping on a glass in one of the great restaurants or bars listed in this article, give us a call - we will most likely not be too far behind! 

Istanbul street food, what to expect when eating in Turkey

Istanbul street food, what to expect when eating in Turkey

Believe it or not, we promise to you that there is much more to Turkish food than the traditional kebab or doner. In a blog that is sure to arouse the taste buds in many, we bring you our guide to enjoying Turkish street food and give you our top 15, yes 15, Turkish dishes to try for you foodies out there. Don't worry, we haven't left out the kebab or doner - we love them just as much as you do. Think we haven left something off our list? Let us know what Turkish food you love and enjoy most and we just might feature those in our next blog. 

Turkish Tea for Two and Why it is a Cultural Practise

Turkish Tea for Two and Why it is a Cultural Practise

You may think that Brits drink a lot of tea, however the number one drinkers of tea around the world, are those in Turkey. Somewhat of a tradition in Turkey, tea is consumed by millions on daily basis - from welcoming friends, to making new friends, to just watching the sunset after a long day - a tea in Turkey can go a long way. Find out here exactly how Turks came to love tea so much, and how you should drink your tea when travelling around the rich nation. A total guide to the tea experience that started in the 1930's and quickly became the second most consumed drink in Turkey, after water. Sit back, relax, it's time to take a break - this one's on us. 

The Best Restaurants in Bodrum for Tasty Culinary Journeys

The Best Restaurants in Bodrum for Tasty Culinary Journeys

If you want to dine in the best restaurants in Bodrum, a stunning coastal peninsula in Turkey, expect exquisite culinary experiences. The charming peninsula also belongs to the Turkish Riviera and offers lovely restaurants catering to various tastes, from juicy steaks to hearty pasta to traditional Turkish cuisine.

Enjoy Divine Haute Turkish Cuisine

Enjoy Divine Haute Turkish Cuisine

From calamari to caviar, looking at the finest examples of haute cuisine in Turkey, the fine and intricate way to prepare exotic meals of the highest mouth watering quality is becoming ever more popular on Turkish shores as world class chefs and restaurants implement the complicated French preparation into some of the most famous restaurants in the country. Find out exactly where to find the highest quality examples of haute cuisine influence on restaurants in Turkey.

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