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Tourist numbers in Turkey up by 16%

2020-03-12 19:46:22

In January, foreign visitors choosing to visit Turkey increased on a yearly basis by 16.1% with hotel occupancy rates increasing by 6.4% to reach 61.9% when compared to January 2019. Ministry data confirms that in January 2020, Turkey recorded their highest number of foreign visitors ever for January at approximately 1.8 million people.

The Tourism and Culture Ministry confirmed that there were almost 1.8 million tourists that entered Turkey in January, with the city of Istanbul drawing nearly 1 million foreign visitors, which equates to about 57% of the total.

Which cities in Turkey have the most Visitors?

After Istanbul, Edirne in the north west area of Turkey next to Greece and Bulgaria came second and according to the data supplied by the ministry, this equated to 222,494 foreign visitors in January.

The resort city of Antalya recorded 143,679 foreign visitors, which was a market share of 8.04%. These rises were made up by 162,200 (9%) tourists from Bulgaria, there were 132,674 (7.4%) Georgians and 130,608 (7.3%) visitors from Russia.

Tourist revenues in Turkey

2019 was another buoyant year for tourism in Turkey as more visitors arrived, which led to increasing revenue.

According to data collated by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) tourist revenue last year reached a record high of 34.5 billion USD. Tourist revenue in 2018 stood at 29.5 billion USD, meaning there was an increase of 17% in 2019. The average spend per person was 666 USD in 2019, which was an increase of 18 USD per person on the year before.

The Culture and Tourism Ministry reported that the number of foreign tourists has increased by 14.1% year on year. In 2018 there were 39.5 million international tourists who chose to holiday in Turkey. 2019 saw this figure surpassing 45 million. The UN World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) stated that due to Turkey attracting their highest ever number of visitors last year, they now rank as the 6th most visited country worldwide.

Hotel occupancy in Turkey

TUROB (Turkish Hotel Association) confirmed that during the same time scale, the ADR (Average daily rate) for rooms in Turkish hotels increased by 8.9%, which equates to an increase of 5.60 Euros on average.

The REVPAR (Revenue per available room) increased by 16% in January to 42 Euros, which stood at 36.20 Euros in January 2019. When compared to revenue in Europe, the average occupancy rate was 58.5% whilst the revenue per room was 59.10 Euros.

Experts in the tourism industry have already predicted that room revenue and occupancy rates around the world are expected to be lower in February and March 2020, due to less numbers of International travellers.