home Turkish property & economy news Retail supermarket giant Migros hire 1,000 new staff

Retail supermarket giant Migros hire 1,000 new staff

By: Cameron Deggin


The company behind Turkey’s supermarket chain, Migros, have confirmed their need to hire an additional 1,000 new members of staff to deal with the increased demand being put on them and to meet the online orders that have increased due to the outbreak of coronavirus in Turkey.

The HR department announced that the new members of staff will be responsible for preparing the orders at both the company’s warehouses and stores.

Recruitment at Migros

Due to the outbreak of coronavirus, many businesses and universities have been forced to close for public safety. Migros has said that the recruitment process will be dealt with online and said that: “We are looking for people in need of a job to take part in this important task.”

Due to coronavirus, Migros began to offer a free online delivery service to all customers over the age of 60.

There have been thousands of businesses who have been forced to temporarily close because of the coronavirus. With these closures come staff layoffs and there is expected to be a surge in Turkey and other areas of the world. Supermarkets have been deemed as an essential business during the pandemic, however some supermarkets are struggling to keep shelves stocked as well as fulfil all their online orders. It is because of these conditions and the rapid increasing customer demands that supermarkets need to hire thousands of new staff to work in their warehouses and stores.

Turkey isn’t the only country where supermarkets are having to hire new staff. The largest American retailer, Walmart confirmed last week that they need to hire 150,000 new hourly workers for now until the end of May to work in distribution and stores as their online orders continue to mount up. Walmart has said that they are going to contact both the restaurant and hospitality industry, as they have been hit by travel bans and lockdowns and their staff will be able to fill in at Walmart to keep them in work during the coronavirus outbreak.

Other industries looking for more staff

Target Corp and Amazon have both had a major employment drive as well as boosted pay for employees to help manage the uptake in orders that they are currently receiving. This is the total opposite to many mail-based retailers and clothing retailers that have been forced to close their stores. Amazon announced that they are going to hire a further 100,000 delivery and warehouse workers. Amazon have also gone on to say that there will be a raise in the overtime they pay to those who work in the warehouses.

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