home Turkish property & economy news Demand increases for detached houses in Turkey amidst COVID-19

Demand increases for detached houses in Turkey amidst COVID-19

By: Cameron Deggin

Detached houses in Turkey

The outbreak of COVID-19 has changed the makeup of everyone’s lives. Due to the current self-isolation guidelines most businesses that can, now operate from home or online. According to sector representatives the virus has made a huge difference to Turkish real estate preferences, with an increased interest for detached houses with outdoor and garden spaces as well as additional inside space that could serve as a home office.

What is pushing the demand for detached homes?

A real estate consultant in Turkey added that the pandemic is also responsible for additional demand for rented detached houses and villas in Turkey. The consultant went onto explain that they have seen rapid demand in the past two weeks partly because those living in flats, plazas and central areas are now looking to move to more secluded areas so that they can be prepared should any further quarantine be required, even when the pandemic ends.

Home life and work life balance

The consultant also explained that a lot of people are finding it difficult to strike a home life and work life balance due to their houses being too small. After all, when there are spouses and those with children all trying to work in the same space, there will inevitably issues. For this reason, people are now keen to find detached houses with extra rooms.

Demand for outdoor living space

There is one other demand that has also increased dramatically due to the current pandemic and this is a garden. The consultant went on to say that: “As the quarantine process gets longer, people want to walk and get fresh air. However, this is not possible for people living in apartments.” The consultant also went on to say that many people think that this situation will still be an issue through the summer, and for this reason, people are looking for homes with a swimming pool and also areas where they can grow their own vegetables and fruits in their garden.

Coronavirus cases worldwide

COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan, China, at the end of last year and the number of confirmed cases worldwide has now surpassed 3.5 million people. Most countries across the globe have been asking their citizens to stay at home and only go out when necessary to try and stop the virus from spreading.

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