home Turkish property & economy news LC Waikiki producing 40 million masks a week in Turkey

LC Waikiki producing 40 million masks a week in Turkey

By: Cameron Deggin

Face mask in Turkey

According to company Chairman Vahap Kucuk, LC Waikiki, the national clothing retailer in Turkey has turned their hand to producing 40 million face masks each week without any profits being made. LC Waikiki has done this in order to help support the Turkish fight against the spread of the deadly coronavirus currently affecting the world.

The company is producing face masks in its factories, as well as through hundreds of its partner manufacturers thanks to tens of thousands of employees’ hard work spanning 30 different cities in Turkey, Kucuk explained.

Mask production in Turkey

Noting that LC Waikiki and Taha Group have all transformed their factories and resources into face mask producing bases in only one week, Kucuk explained: “We have established the manufacturing infrastructure by undertaking the supply of raw materials, machinery and equipment.” All involved took the necessary precautions needed and have produced millions of masks for the Ministry of Health so far.

According to Kucuk, the production of face masks is a way that the company can help and support the national mobilisation, as well as a way of showing their unity and solidarity during these trying times throughout the world.

When did they start producing masks?

Production of face masks for the clothing retailer begun during the final week of March, Kucuk added, saying that by the beginning of April, a larger production scale had been introduced to meet the continuing need for face masks and the demands of the Ministry of Health in Turkey.

Protecting those making protection

During the production of the face masks, Kucuk noted that the strictest of rules were being followed in order to ensure there was safety in place for all workers and for all the products currently being made.

He commented on these rules by saying: “The teams strictly follow social distancing rules. The gloves and masks they use are frequently changed. Raw materials and products falling on the floor are directly thrown to waste. No cash or raw materials are left open during the pay hours. The entire working environment is ventilated hourly.”

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