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0 Bedrooms In North Cyprus property for sale

Take a visit to a village market and you will see just how much you can get for your money with properties in North Cyprus. The country grows a huge array of its own produce and therefore vegetables and fruit fresh from the field can be purchased from as little as a few English pence. Alcohol is also really cheap and includes local brandy, refreshing beers and some really top quality wines.

Not forgetting the 300+ days of sunshine that North Cyprus affords, which means that the majority of homes have solar panels which heat the water and also generate the electricity to power the home. This provides the homeowner with utility bills for a moderate sized property coming in at extremely affordable prices, leaving you more money to enjoy yourself.

Investing in properties in North Cyprus is a really good move for those looking for a rental property with rental potential all year round. This is one place that holiday makers flock to at all times of the year, particularly those who enjoy a game of golf as there is the new 18-hole international golf course now open, located in Esentepe. The older visitors tend to come to Cyprus for an extended holiday to escape the harsh winters and make the most of the sunshine that Northern Cyprus has to offer, and these are people that will rent your property for months at a time.

If your investment properties in North Cyprus, is a romantic hideaway in an idyllic location then you may want to market it to those getting married, particularly as you can get married in Northern Cyprus from the minute you arrive and there is no pre-residency required.

Properties in North Cyprus' prices are predicted to rise in the next three years and this is said to be thanks to the countries popularity with the British holidaymakers. North Cyprus also has an English legal system meaning that all contracts are written in English, the house prices are in English pounds sterling and English is widely spoken in all areas. Driving is on the left hand side and there is no need for adaptors for your plugs.

With the golden beaches, almost guaranteed sunshine, friendly people and spectacular countryside it is no wonder that many holidaymakers seriously consider purchasing properties in North Cyprus. There are a number of beautiful modern property development villas and apartments available in Northern Cyprus that are very attractively priced.

The quality of life that North Cyprus can offer coupled with the excellent transportation links, it stands to reason that investing in a property is only going to be a good decision. Whether you are looking to make a permanent home, or looking purely for an investment, North Cyprus offers an affordable solution for all. The low cost of living and better quality of life that can be achieved make North Cyprus a real contender for those looking to move to sunnier climes, and for those just looking for a holiday home they can be safe in the knowledge that they will have ample opportunities to rent the property and therefore earn themselves an additional income whilst enjoying all of the perks that come with North Cyprus real estate.

North Cyprus property offers both sun and luxury, making it a fantastic destination to buy property abroad. 

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