These tenanted apartments are ideal for investors who are seeking rental income immediately with the purchase of real estate in Turkey – these residences are nestled within the peaceful area of Tarabya in Istanbul.
Enjoy high rental income immediately when you purchase one of these tenanted apartments for sale in Kartal on the Anatolian side of Istanbul – just a few minutes away from necessities and the nearest Metro station.
These tremendous apartments rise in Kartal area of Istanbul and are situated next to Aydos Forest and just a few minutes away from the Marmara Sea – available in various types and sizes for buyers to choose from.
In a fast developing area of Istanbul, these brand new apartments are for sale in Kartal and enjoy panoramic views out across the sea and Princes Islands – located just metres away from a Metro for daily commuting.
Full forest and Bosphorus Sea view villa for sale in an elite compound in the highly sought after area of Sariyer in Istanbul – suitable for escaping from the busy city centre to peaceful living to raise a family abroad.
Shrouded in privacy by nature and trees, this spacious villa is found in Zekeriyakoy area of Sariyer and is suitable for family living in a sought after area of Istanbul, just a few minutes away from schools and amenities.
Spacious family home for sale within a residential compound in Zekeriyakoy area of Sariyer, suitable for permanently living in Istanbul with loved ones just a short two minute driving distance away from a British school.
Belview Istanbul listed at affordable prices for a stunning sea view, these brand new apartments are found on the Anatolian side of Istanbul in a residential area and are just minutes away from public transport for those looking to work in the city centre.
Looking out towards the Princess Islands with panoramic views from floor-to-ceiling windows, these apartments have been fully completed and are located in Kartal just moments from public highways and the nearest Metro Station.
Listed for sale at bargain prices today, these superb apartments are located in the fast developing area of Bahcekent in Istanbul and are available in sizes ranging from one – four bedrooms in multiple different types.
Offered at excellent prices and with payment plans available, these homes are ripe for both lifestyle and investment buyers in Bahcekent, an area undergoing lots of growth and are close to public transport for city commuting.
Pick up a bargain priced apartment in Bahcesehir when you purchase one of these high quality residences within a spectacular and fully equipped project – set within green gardens, buyers can choose from homes ranging from one – four bedrooms.
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